la foto terrífica <--

--> éste es el blog de la foto terrífica

jueves, marzo 23, 2006


a set of artistic practices which take as their theoretical and practical point of departure the whole of human relations and their social context, rather than an independent and private space...

viernes, marzo 03, 2006


in situ art is a form of artistic activity that encompasses the space in which it is on view. this consideration by the artist of the exhibition venue consisted, yesterday, in exploring its spatial and architectural configuration...the mistake lies in thinking that the sense of an aesthetic fact lies solely in the context.



octubre 2005   noviembre 2005   diciembre 2005   enero 2006   febrero 2006   marzo 2006   abril 2006   mayo 2006   junio 2006   julio 2006   agosto 2006   septiembre 2006  

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